

Pouring an Agar Plate:
  • Melt bottled agar at 95o in a hot water bath.
  • Pour the hot, liquid agar into a sterile petri dish cracked open slightly.
  • Let the agar cool and set, then flip and store upside down to avoid contamination.
Plating the P. putida:
  • Retrieve a sample from either a plate or test tube of bacteria with a wire loop.
  • Streak the loop onto a third of the plate and rotated and repeated to spread out colony growth.
  • Replace the lid and store upside down in an incubator.

Transferring P. putida from Plate to Broth:
  • Retrieve a sample from a plate with a wire loop.
  • Immerse the loop into a sterile test tube of nutrient broth and move the loop back and forth to dislodge the bacteria into the broth.
  • Seal tightly and place into an incubator for growth.
Introducing Toluene to P. putida:
  • Grow bacteria until enough sustained growth and obtain a sample.
  • Immerse the bacteria in a test tube of nutrient broth and toluene.
  • Incubate and grow the bacteria.
  • Plate, incubate, and grow the bacteria.
  • Repeat with a gradually increasing percentage of toluene.

Measuring Optical Density:
  • Find the optimum wavelength for measuring nutrient broth in the spectrophotometer .
  • Create a "blank" sample by pouring nutrient broth (without any bacteria) into a cuvette and zeroing the spectrophotometer to this absorbance reading.
  • Put the sample of nutrient broth with bacteria into a cuvette and put it inside the spectrophotometer to read its absorbance.

Gram Staining Bacteria Growth:
  • Place a sample of bacteria onto a clean slide with a sterilized wire loop.
  • Allow the slide to dry and pass it through a Bunsen flame breifly to set the bacteria.
  • Flood the slide with crystal violet solution, Gram's Iodine solution, alcohol, and safranin solution in rounds with washing in between.
  • Blot the slide dry, place a drop of oil over the bacteria, and examine underneath a microscope.
Carrying Out a Folin's Reagant Test:
  • Combine nutrient broth, water, Folin-Ciocalteau reagent.
  • Wait for at least 30 seconds, then add sodium carbonate solution, and shake to mix.
  • Let the mixture sit for 2 hours and then measure the absorbance in the spectrophotometer.


Constructing the Bioreactor:
  • Pick a container and lay out with a stir plate and clamp.
  • Locate places for the probe and air holes and drill.
  • Clean the bioreactor, set up, add stir bar.
  • Fill with reactants and record results.
Measuring the Results of Bioreactor:
  • Set up the probes inside the bioreactor.
  • Attach to a computer with Vernier Logger Pro software.
  • Choose an interval to record data and a length to run.
  • Start the software immediately after the reactants are added.
Setting up Warm and Cold Environments:
  • Warm: setup the bioreactor inside of an incubator.
  • Cold: setup the bioreactor inside of a refrigerator.
  • Record results as before.

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